May 11, 1997


Now It's Trivia Time!!!!!

1. Who has won the most Rose Bowls?
Ohio State Michigan USC UCLA

2. Who has won the most Sugar Bowls?
Georgia Mississippi Tennessee Alabama

3. Who has won the most Orange Bowls?
Oklahoma Nebraska Miami Florida State

4. Who has won the most Cotton Bowls?
Notre Dame Texas Texas A & M Arkansas

5. What is the NFL record for touchdowns by both teams in a game?
12 14 16 18

6. What NFL team went the most consecutive games with one or more touchdowns?
Browns 49'ers Raiders Packers

7. Who was the first player ever drafted by the 49'ers?
Y.A.Title Hugh McElhenny Leo Nomellini Harry Babcock

8. Who was the first player ever drafted by the Seahawks?
Steve Neihous Steve August Keith Simpson Jacob Green

9. Who holds the NFL record for most consecutive, winless home games?
Bucs Saints Cowboys Seahawks

10. What is the record for most field goals made in one quarter?
3 4 5 6