1. Who is the only player to hit at least 50 homers and 50 doubles in one season? Barry Bonds Willie Mays Albert Belle Babe Ruth
2. What player received the highest percentage of votes to enter the Baseball Hall of Fame? Ty Cobb Tom Seaver Babe Ruth Sandy Koufax
3. In what year did baseball ban the use of all foreign substances and ball-doctoring methods used by pitchers? 1920 1921 1922 1923
4. Who hit the first grand slam in World Series history? Charlie Pick Eddie Collins Frank Baker Elmer Smith
5. Who was the first pitcher to record 3,000 career strikeouts? Cy Young Grover Cleveland Alexander Walter Johnson Christy Mathewson
6. Who is the only American league player to be an MVP for two different teams? Hank Greenberg Jimmie Foxx Mickey Cochrane Reggie Jackson
7. To what team did the Cardinals trade Dizzy Dean? Pirates Giants Cubs Reds
8. Who is the only Angel player to be the American League Batting Champion? Alex Johnson Rod Carew Bobby Grich Brian Downing
9. Who is the only Red Sox manager to be Manager of the Year? Don Zimmer Dick Williams John McNamara Johnny Pesky
10. What switch-hitter has the most career RBI's? Mickey Mantle Eddie Murray Ted Simmons Pete Rose