1. Besides Florida and Colorado, which Major League team has never had a rookie of the year? Mets Pirates Royals Cubs
2. Who set a Major League record by striking out nine consecutive times? Eric Davis Rob Deer Reggie Jackson Dave Kingman
3. What team did Lefty Grove beat to win his 300th game? Tigers Yankees Indians White Sox
4. Who holds the National League record for consecutive games played? Billy Williams Ernie Banks Mel Ott Steve Garvey
5. How many White Sox players were banned for fixing the 1919 World Series? 6 7 8 9
6. What year did the Cubs host its first night game? 1986 1987 1988 1989
7. Who was the Cubs' opponent in the first scheduled night game at Wrigley? Mets Pirates Braves Cardinals
8. How heavy was Babe Ruth's bat? 37 ounces 39 ounces 42 ounces 45 ounces
9. When Mays joined the New York Giants, how many at bats did he go before collecting his first hit? 1 12 20 45
10. When he retired from baseball in 1928, Ty Cobb was the owner of how many records? 90 75 30 15